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Unsure About Tarot & Psychic Readings?

About Tarot

What it is not:
*scary *negative *nonsense *a tool of Negative Entities *to be kept secret / to be used by a select few
*geared to one specific faith *a threat to any other faith

What it actually is:
*a window into reality *based on betterment *a legitimate tool to help provide positive spiritual guidance
*a stepping stone to developing psychic potential for those choosing to utilize it in this way
*a creative stimulant *liberating *compatible to all positive faiths, traditions & belief systems
*a gateway to understanding symbology associated with… various faiths around the world (Christianity, Judaism, etc.) and various traditions (such as the Free-Masons, etc.)… also, many games that we play today (think of chess!)

How does Tarot work?
A deck of 79 cards is used to help create a “picture” or description of certain situations in your life. Each card has its own unique meaning and lends itself to the interpretation when coupled with various positions of a “spread” (can also be used individually). The positions of a spread also have specific meanings. When a querant aligns their energies with the deck, it is shuffled and laid out in the spread to provide insight into what the querant’s energies are expressing. A tarot reader, or interpreter, can assist in making sense of the cards. Although a reader does not need to have psychic abilities to give readings, sometimes someone who does may choose to utilize these gifts during a tarot reading with the intention to provide the querant with a well-rounded session.

What is a querant?
The person asking the question… the one seeking knowledge and guidance.

What is meant by “aligning energies”?
We all know that energy is all around us. It makes up all things. Aligning energies happens when different types of energies connect and begin to work together… similar to using static to stick a balloon on a wall after rubbing it on a sweater, or turning a nail into a magnet after hooking it up to a battery. Even energies that we don’t yet understand in scientific terms can still be utilized when understood in spiritual terms.

How do I know if a tarot reading is right for me?
You must always trust your own mind. As with all things in life it is our responsibility as individuals to decide for ourselves what is right for us. It’s always best to stick with people, things and situations we know to be healthy for us, feel good and “feel right” to us. You can try asking yourself some of the following questions, or you may have some of your own:
1) Have I researched the backgrounds, reputations and fees of the readers I’ve heard about?
2) What am I really looking to get out of a tarot session?
3) Am I comfortable in spending my money for this type of guidance?
4) Even if I receive a reading, am I confident in my own mental and emotional capacities to decide for myself if the information I receive is accurate and in line with my beliefs?
5) Does the idea of receiving a tarot reading scare me, make me happy, or make me feel curious?


This form of study and practice can help unlock the secrets to life and assist in promoting healthy well-being and life paths. Finding an appropriate reader / interpreter to meet your needs and comfort level is important and beneficial and learning about the Tarot yourself can be exciting, educational and even fun!

Much information about Tarot can be found in books and on-line. Classes can also be accessed to assist in sorting out accurate information and false.

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